Manor Clinic is NOT a crisis/emergency service.
If you are:
feeling desperate and hopeless
worried you might hurt yourself or someone else or are having suicidal thoughts
alone with no one to talk to
If you have:
Made a plan
the means to hurt yourself or someone else (e.g. pills or a weapon)
attempted suicide or hurt yourself before
Please get help immediately! Please do one of the following:
1. Call 911
2. Go to the nearest Emergency Hospital
3. Call Access 24/7 at (780) 424-2424
Addiction and Mental Health Access 24/7:
Access 24 / 7 provides a range of urgent and non-urgent addiction and mental health services, including service navigation, screening, assessment, referral, consultation, crisis intervention, outreach, and short-term stabilization.
10959 102 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta
T5H 2V1
Phone: 780-424-2424
Fax: 780-342-7621