Intellectual disability (ID) resources
Intellectual Disability Leaflets:
Please see accessible information for people with mental health problems and Intellectual Disabilities for further information.
Learning disabilities | Royal College of Psychiatrists (rcpsych.ac.uk)
Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) Program
The Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD) Program is a provincial government program that provides funding for staff supports for adult Albertans with developmental disabilities. This program supplements the support of family, friends and community members to help adults with developmental disabilities to live as independently as they can in their community.
Who can get help from PDD?
For a person to be eligible for the PDD program, the individual must have:
A significant limitation in intellectual functioning (such as learning, problem-solving, judgement). This means an IQ score of 70 or below.
Significant limitations in adaptive functioning (activities of daily life such as communication and independent living)
Additionally, the intellectual and adaptive deficits begin early in the developmental period (before the age of 18).
What services do the PDD offer?
Individuals may be able to access one or more of these services
Home Living Supports that help the individuals do daily activities like banking, caring for their home, making meals or laundry.
Respite services to give their caregivers a break when they live with them full-time.
Community access supports that help the individuals take part in activities so they can learn, develop, relax, have fun or be with others.
Employment supports learning new skills and finding and keeping a paid job.
Short-term support or training from experts to help caregivers and staff increase their skills to better support individuals.
How to get help from PDD?
If the individual does not have an IQ test report administered within the last 5 years from the date of their application, you can contact Manor Clinic for further help.
Manor clinic psychologists can help to ascertain if there is a significant limitation in intellectual capacity by using one of the recognized standardized intelligence quotient (I.Q.) tools. Manor Clinic psychologists can also provide an assessment to determine if the individual has significant limitations in adaptive skills.
Please visit PDD – https://www.alberta.ca/pdd-disability-services-office-locations.aspx website for contact information of your nearest Disability Services office to get help planning, coordinating and accessing Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD).
Please contact https://www.alberta.ca/persons-with-developmental-disabilities-pdd.aspx to learn more about the PDD program.
The Community Outreach Assessment and Support Team (COAST)
The Community Outreach Assessment and Support Team (COAST) is the product of a cross-ministerial initiative between Alberta Health Services and the Government of Alberta – Disability Services (Persons with Developmental Disabilities and Family Support for Children with Disabilities) as well as Children’s Services – that aims to meet the needs of children, youth and adults with complex service needs in Edmonton Zone. For this Initiative, Adults with Complex Service Needs are defined as individuals who are 18 or older and have a developmental/intellectual disability. They are eligible for services from the PDD program, as well as those services from other ministries which are available to all Albertans. These adults pose a significant risk and/or are destructive to themselves, others or property. They require intensive services and have or have had a history of one or more of the following diagnoses or life experiences:
Mental health disorder
Terminations from other social support services
Specialized treatment for psychiatric and/or behavioural issues
Multi-system involvement (for example, Corrections, Health, Human Services etc.)
Incarceration(s) or criminal justice involvement
Chronic substance abuse/dependency problems
Contact information:
Edmonton Zone Community Outreach Assessment and Support Team (COAST)
Phone: 780-342-5500
Fax: 780-454-8225
Email: coast@ahs.ca
Please contact Manor Clinic for further information about the Intellectual Disability assessment and management services that we provide for children, adolescents, and adults.