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Health anxiety

Health anxiety

Reasons for Health anxiety

Health anxiety, also known as illness anxiety disorder or hypochondriasis, is a mental health condition characterized by excessive worry, preoccupation, and fear of having a serious medical illness, despite little or no medical evidence to support such concerns.

Health anxiety, also known as illness anxiety disorder or hypochondriasis, is a mental health condition where individuals experience excessive distress and preoccupation with the fear of having a severe medical illness, even in the absence of significant medical evidence or symptoms. People with health anxiety often misinterpret common bodily sensations as signs of a severe disease, leading to persistent worry and seeking frequent medical reassurance. This preoccupation can significantly disrupt daily life, causing emotional distress, avoidance of medical care, and strained relationships. Treatment for health anxiety typically involves cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and may include medication in some cases, aiming to alleviate anxiety, improve coping strategies, and reduce the excessive focus on physical symptoms and potential illnesses. Early intervention is essential to help individuals with health anxiety regain a sense of control and reduce their distress.


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