Behavior Intervention
Manor Clinic Behavior Consultants work with families and other service providers to address challenging behaviours and teach adaptive skills to children, youth and adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and/or an intellectual disability.
Our behavior consultants:
Assess problem behavior and identify skills to teach.
Collaborate with other professionals like psychiatrists, occupational therapists and PDD workers as needed.
Develop and write clear, concise and accurate person-centred Positive Behavior Support plans
Provide training and Implementation support.
Monitor progress through ongoing data collection and adjust support plan as required.
Maintain regular contact with referring agents, families and service providers they are serving to.
Complete necessary reports that indicate the identified goals and progress made.
Our behavior consultant can also provide a second opinion on the use of restrictive procedures (like seclusion and physical restraint) used by service providers and school boards and can make person-centred recommendations to minimize the inappropriate use of these procedures while ensuring that the safety and security and well-being of the individual and others are maintained.
Please contact Manor Clinic to discuss services offered by our behavior consultants.