Capacity assessment for Guardianship and trusteeship

A capacity assessment for guardianship and trusteeship is a formal evaluation to determine an individual's mental and decision-making capacity. It is typically conducted when concerns arise about an individual's ability to manage their personal and financial affairs due to mental or cognitive impairment. The assessment informs legal decisions regarding the appointment of a guardian or trustee to act on the individual's behalf when they are deemed incapable of making such decisions independently.
What is a capacity assessment for guardianship or trusteeship?
A capacity assessment for guardianship or trusteeship is a formal evaluation conducted to determine an individual's mental and decision-making capacity. This assessment is typically done when there is a concern about an individual's ability to make important decisions regarding their personal care or finances due to a mental or cognitive impairment. It involves a thorough examination of the individual's mental and cognitive functioning to assess whether they have the capacity to make decisions independently, which can impact legal arrangements for guardianship or trusteeship in cases of incapacity. The results of this assessment help courts and legal authorities make informed decisions regarding the appointment of a guardian or trustee to act on the individual's behalf when they are deemed incapable of doing so themselves.
Who does capacity assessment?
For an application under the Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act, an adult must undergo a capacity assessment by a psychiatrist, another doctor, or another qualified capacity assessor.
Where can I get more information?
Please visit for further information about the capacity assessment.
Please visit for further information about the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee (OPGT) in Alberta.
Please get in touch with Manor Clinic to discuss how our psychiatrists can help complete the Capacity Assessment Report (CAR).